28 Apr


My story starts in Australia, where I was born. I grew up with a classic Australian coastal lifestyle on the west coast of Victoria. My life from an early age has revolved around the ocean and being on the water. Surfing, Paddling, Fishing, Freediving and Swimming occupied my time and focus.


Surfing, in paticular led me to travel around Australia east to west, north and south looking for quality uncrowed waves. This expanded into overseas travel and in paticular the perfect waves of Indonesia in which led to many years of seasonal travel to the mystical archipelago.

My first experience with Stand Up Paddling was in 2009, in the early days of its introduction to Australia. I must admit I was not totally sold on SUP in the begining, The first time I tried SUP, was SUP surfing. I found it challenging trying to paddle into waves with a strong offshore wind!  But, I soon discoverd the versatility of this new sport and my love for it grew. 

In 2015 I moved to Jämtland , Sweden. This was a bold move for a coastal dweller from Australia!  But I love an adventure, and an opportunity to try something new.  Besides from the fjälls and winter snow activities,  I discovered the ubundace of lakes and rivers here in Jämtland. This led to an intesifying of my love for SUP and its use as a perfect tool to experience Jämtland from the water.

In 2021 I started Jämtlandsup as a way to share the stoke and introducing people to Stand Up Paddelboarding, and what Jämtland has to offer from a H2o perspective. My mission through Jämtlandsup is to offer people a unique, safe and enjoyable experience. I offer lessons and experiences to complete beginners through to the most experienced of paddlers. I look forward to giving you a unique and unforgettable experience!

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